Is pain limiting your lifestyle?
A minimally invasive, one-hour day-stay procedure performed with moderate sedation can help some patients with osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis or bursitis get back in action in just days.
Clinical Precision can deliver personalised and precise pain relief directly at the area of pain by trimming the excess and abnormal blood vessels (microembolisation). Studies have found that microembolisation is a safe and effective procedure that can substantially reduce your pain and improve mobility.
Popular in Japan and USA, this treatment is now available in Geelong, Australia with Interventional Radiologist Dr Steve Landers.
Click here to watch a video on Micro-Embol
Patient Appointments
A GP or specialist referral is required to see Dr Steve Landers.
However, Dr Landers is currently offering free discussions for patients to provide further information on eligibility requirements and the treatment process before a referral is required.
Use our online form to contact us now for a free discussion, or for an appointment with Dr Landers.

What is it?
Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels, and is involved with inflammatory processes. The new blood vessels which form are accompanied by new nerves. The blood vessel wall also contains nerve supply.
Embolisation is a long standing technique of blocking abnormal blood vessels. Preliminary studies suggest that embolisation of abnormal blood vessels in osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal pain and inflammation can reduce pain and improve function. The technique facilitates precision drug delivery at the site of inflammation.
How does it work?
The formation of new blood vessels has consistently been demonstrated at the site of pain and inflammation. These new blood vessels are integral in maintaining local inflammation, and are important in the development of chronic pain. Reducing the blood supply back to normal baseline, allows the body to switch off the local inflammatory response. This reduces the sensation of pain and improves function.
The treatment is suited to adults with moderate to severe chronic musculoskeletal pain that has not responded to conventional therapy such as exercise, physiotherapy, or podiatry or pain killers.
The procedure
Patients will receive light to moderate sedation prior to the procedure to help keep them relaxed. A local anaesthetic injection allows for a 3mm incision. A micro-catheter (a soft plastic tube less than 1mm thick) is then introduced into an artery.
A picture from inside the blood vessels (angiogram) will identify new abnormal blood vessels. The abnormal vessels will be blocked off or embolised. The catheter will be removed and a dressing applied to the puncture site.
Dr Steve Landers is an Interventional Radiologist who has 5 years of experience in musculoskeletal embolisation and will perform all procedures which can take up to 120 minutes to complete.
All patients will be monitored for a few hours post-procedure. It is anticipated that most patients will be discharged home the same or following day.
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